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Our Holiday Home Story: Holiday Home Maintenance and Cleaning

Updated: Apr 8, 2022

Our Holiday Home Story:

In February 2013 we purchased our holiday/2nd home in Llandeilo, Wales.

The property was situated in a lovely location on its own in the middle of the forest, with approximately 1 acre of land.

Being a 3 hour drive from our main home, we initially knew that we would not be travelling there on a regular basis.

Over the next 3 years we had a fantastic time spending Christmas, Easter and special occasions with the family. All of our spare time and holidays were spent in Wales, with projects from a new garage roof to installing a new water supply system from a stream half a kilometre away from the property.

After 3 years of travelling backwards and forwards leaving the house looking lovely with the grass and hedges cut, only to return 2-3 weeks later and spending the next 2 days cutting the grass, trimming back the hedges, leaf clearing and cleaning etc, it was getting a bit monotonous.

On one trip in October 2015, my wife and I had been working all day getting the property back to life. I turned to my wife as we passed whilst carrying out the maintenance and said, shall we sell. We both had a few tears but agreed.

We sold our house in March 2016.

Whilst we loved our holiday home, the on-going exterior maintenance eventually took its toll from enjoyment to chore as we both worked full time.

We have no regrets and often talk about the great times we had there.

If there is one regret, if we could have found a company who could have carried out all the on-going ground maintenance who were honest, reliable and at a reasonable fee, we my not have sold our home.

When we say we understand holiday home maintenance, we really do.

Russell and Jane Blackman

Holiday Home and second home exterior cleaning services Torbay.

for a free quotation please call us on 07385746188 or email us at

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